Outdoorshop is the exclusive representative of Light My Fire products in Greece. Here you will find a variety of products ready to be shipped.
In 1995 our founder, Michael Odqvist, came across an age-old secret – MayaSticks. He was fascinated by the sheer brilliance of this resinous kindling. Not only was it a quick, easy and reliable way to get a fire going, the sticks were also completely natural, produced from waste – the stumps left from felled pine trees – by locals in Guatemala. By starting fair trade production on a larger scale, Michael helped 400 of these descendents of Maya Indians make more money so that they were able to start sending their children to school. In 1996, we found the perfect match – the magnesium fire-starter that was developed and used by the Swedish Army.

All of a sudden, everything fell into place. Not only was the Swedish FireSteel a great product in itself, it also was an unbeatable combination with the TinderSticks. One plus one equaled the ultimate way to start a fire in any weather, at any altitude.